A Big Big Room Full of Everybody’s Hope (2023)

A Big Big Room Full of Everybody’s Hope is performed by three generations of a single family. Through language, movement, and song, the work offers choreographies for living in the aftermath of violence. A Big Big Room... engages material from historical and cultural canons—the Holocaust, George Balanchine's Agon, and musical theatre—to advance embodied memory as a tool for survival. Shifting between multiple formal lineages and genre conventions, the performers refract, unsettle, and pervert these canonical materials. Past, present, and future times live concurrently in the work, held within the unfolding of genealogical relation onstage.

A Big Big Room Full of Everybody’s Hope premiered September 7th & 8th, 2023 at Théâtre de la Ville—Les Abbesses.

Creator: Amit Noy
Collaborating performers: Maytal Noy, Ilan Noy, Liora Noy, and Belina Neuberger (virtual)
Codirection: Amit Noy, Jo Randerson
Dramaturgy: Jo Randerson
Lighting design: Zeynep Kepekli
Costume design: Steven Junil Park
Outside eye: Miguel Gutierrez
Original sound design: Maayan Tsadka
Additional music: Igor Stravinsky, Haim Moshe, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Stephen Schwartz
Sound/video tech: Fabien Minez
Programmer/relight: Imogen Clarke
Production: Cie. Sumac/Emmanuelle Taccard

A coproduction of Théâtre de la Ville Paris, CCN-Ballet national de Marseille “accueil studio” / Ministère de la Culture, Charleroi Danse: Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Pina Bausch Zentrum, Fondation Szloma Albam Stiftung, Creative New Zealand. With the support of SACD – Danse élargie.

Performances dates:

7-8.09.2023: Théâtre de la Ville—Les Abbesses, Paris FR

26-27.09.2023: Festival Actoral, Marseille FR

5-6.05.2024: Pina Bausch Zentrum, Wuppertal DE

Additional performances to be announced soon.

A Big Big Room Full of Everybody's Hope | Rehearsal Trailer from Amit Noy on Vimeo.

Photos by Nora Houguenade